Michael is a consultant with an international background and sharp skills in understanding cultural diversity and its impact on leadership development. He has extensive experience in the academic field as an instructor, advisor and researcher. Currently, he is teaching college courses in Leadership and Consulting. He has experience instructing diverse groups, including top level management personnel.
Michael holds an MBA from Western Kentucky University and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in Greece. These degrees provide a unique combination of problem solving skills and extensive insights into the functioning of the business environment.
Michael has collaborated with academic institutions in Europe and the United States, as well as manufacturing companies and healthcare providers, experiencing first-hand the unique challenges of this demanding environment. With a vast exposure to physicians and engineers, particularly from diverse ethnic backgrounds, Michael can identify the core underlying elements that directly impact their success. He can be a valuable asset in improving their leadership skills and advancing their careers.
Michael primarily focuses on coaching, training, leadership development and cultural diversity. Specifically advising business associates and expatriates through cultural transitions due to relocation.